Often times, some men molest their daughters and even defile them when they are very little, and we just blame it entirely on the man without knowing that the wife and mother had a role she played which actually made the man to nurse such an evil thought. Those roles the mothers played will be intensively discussed in this article, just read to the end.

Note : No man should ever defile his daughter irrespective of what the wife did or did not do but trust me, these things do not just happen, there are some things that you as a woman should never allow your husband and your daughter to do together and I will gladly list them in this article.

There is also something that you should know because not all men have the strength to control themselves and the Devil also has a way of manipulating such weak men. So, in order to avoid had I known, pay attention to all I will write about in this article.


Whether your daughter is big, small or whatever, on no account should you allow her to bath with your husband just as often do with her which is also wrong.

In such situations, the mind of the man will start playing tricks and pranks with him. So, just avoid it entirely from day one and don't also bath with her.


Secondly, on no account should you also allow your husband to remove his clothes in front of your daughter whether she is big or small.

Don't say that he is her father after all and that it does not matter. It matters please and maybe one day that you will not be around, the devil might tempt both of them and they might not be able to overcome the temptation.


Also, on no account should you allow your daughter to catch you and your husband when both of you are playing in the other room, you know what i mean by that. That will not be a very good experience for her as she might try to do it with him someday, there have been reports that a daughter seduced his father.

Things like that should be very secretive when she is of age or not, be very discreet with such things.


Furthermore, you should also ensure that your husband does not play adult plays with you in front of your daughter or daughters irrespective of her or their age(s).

Things like that should also be done with utmost discrepancy.


Finally, you should not also allow your husband to use adult words in front of your daughter or daughters all in the name of that this is the 21st century.

That may be true but please and please, that was not the way our parents raised us.

Now you know, like and share this article so that others will learn as well but before that, tell us what you think in the comments section below as to why such things happens between some fathers and their daughters.

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